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For background knowledge, A6M Zero was designed and built by Mitsubishi in 1939. Back in the days when air force strategy was transforming fast, it was designed to have good dogfight capability and a very long travel distance. Nevertheless, due to the lag of industrial technique, A6M Zero made a compromise on its armor and stability to acquire those features, and its engine also fell behind the level of what European countries and the U.S. had. With all those sacrifice, Japan finally had there own fighter capable of fighting their U.S. and China counterpart.

A6M Zero’s good days did not last long, even if the good days had ever come.


Back to the movie. It is one with very high tension. I believe one of the things the plot was designed for was to make you cry. It began with the funeral of our hero’s grandmother, and that led to the story about her first marriage.

  “Okay. So what kind of person was our ‘first’ grandfather?”

  “He was the shame of Imperial Japan Navy, the number 1 coward in the fighter squad who only cared about his own fucking life. We lost countless bomber jets because of his cowardice…”


As the story went on, we found that this “grandpa” was the real hero, who believed “The result of the war is not changed by whether I survived or died in ‘glory’, and it’s often more difficult to stay alive than to die. I WILL survive the war to see my family again.”


 This grandpa, Kyuzo Miyabe, reminded me of the novel The Gamou Residence Event (蒲生邸事件) by Miyuki Miyabe. In Japanese literature and movie, I often read about anti-war characters in the setting of WWII. The reason is pretty diverse: “If you think with your wit don’t you think we cannot win this war? (The Gamou Residence Event)”, “Does this war make our country a better one? Does it bring us better life? (The Little House)”, and what our hero believed.

This prospect of narration is fine. I believe in any given time, those who want desperately for war are minority, but on the other hand, when the battle is in favor of “us”, it’s too difficult not to celebrate and feel good. Therefore, this kind of antiwar character is too distant and too reasonable for me.


For a tiny country to fight and win against Russia, China, and -for sometime, for someone- the U.S., wouldn’t it be a terrific dream? Under the pressure of those “developed” countries, they could keep there country as the way it was, could even catch up with the cutting-edge techniques other country had (to some extent), and they fought and “won” for some period of time.


“Victory" is always a beautiful word, isn’t it?


I can somewhat imagine. That must be like what I felt when I was young, and just learned that we, Taiwan, tiny as it was, had a giant share on the technology product market; like what I experienced when I watched CY Wang striking out batters in MLB with his sinker; like what I enjoyed when HTC made no.1 on Android phone market; or like the way we cheered when TPA won LOL World Championship.

Yes, all the experiences I mentioned are not stained with blood. But with the war on TV and news paper, did the blood-stained victory seem bloody to civilians then?


However, dreams are fragile. With development of air force fighting skills, dogfight was abandoned, and this made the thin armor and low speed of A6M Zero its deadly weakness. On a larger scale, after the battle of Midway, Imperial Japan Navy suffered seriously from its unstoppable loss of experienced pilot, its outdated fighter jet, its leak of intelligence due to its cracked code, and its lack of radar technology. The fairy tale of the strong Imperial Japan Navy faded, and along with that, the life and hope of the hero were crushed by the tide of war.


And, the rest of what I want to say is history. So be it.




Photo credit: Crystal Explosion via photopin (license)   那約莫是intern到一半的時候。記得那天我放尿管就要大功告成,隨手拿起換藥車上的空針想把固定用的水球打起來結束這回合的時候,碰巧路過的護理師一個飛身順手抄起空針: 「且住!你這針筒裡面裝的是……生理食鹽水吧!」   我定睛一看,啊呀,落在換藥車桌面上的空罐子果然是生理食鹽水,顯然是在抽的時候沒有專心。 「多謝女俠提醒,不過……那可以幫我抽一管純水嗎?我得扶著尿管,不太方便。」

文獻管理軟體:關於ReadCube, Mendeley, Papers有時還有其他

出發點 我家的文獻通常是這樣來的: 我有訂閱 Science 的 編輯精選 跟幾個與我題目有關的 關鍵字 實驗室平均來說每週會有一篇書報討論 臉書牆上看似有趣的玩意 它們會先成為瀏覽器上關不掉的分頁,過一段時間或是瀏覽器當掉幾次之後,心不甘情不願的搬家到下載項目,然後很多時候就長住在那兒,直到碰到比較無聊的演講開始整理時才會發現有些東西其實下載了五遍。 使用習慣 會在不同的裝置和系統上面閱讀 尋找一篇文的關鍵字通常是作者、期刊、跟內容的隨機組合 提到依稀記得的文章卻想不起來時會覺得很焦慮 從這幾點出發,對我來說特別重要的特質是 跨平台同步 、 全文檢索 (最好聰明點)、還有 執行速度快 。 除了這些之外,當然隨寫隨引的引用工具好不好用還有推薦文獻如何也有影響,不過就我來說為了配合協作,引用工具還是配合實驗室,反正也不是那麼頻繁的用上;至於推薦嘛,雖然廣泛閱讀是很重要啦,不過即使沒有推薦功能文獻資料夾裡也都充滿了不認識的孩子,我想推薦功能大半還是滿足屯書癖而已。 Endnote 老牌的文獻管理,作為和 Word 搭配的引用工具來說,除了厚重了點還有搭配追蹤修訂功能有點容易當機之外沒什麼大問題,最近的版本似乎也推出了跨平台同步的功能。其實它也能從 PDF 解析引用資料或是用引用資料尋找全文,不過 PDF 閱讀器相當陽春,我目前只有在寫東西時才會打開它,並不在上面閱讀。 ReadCube Nature Publishing Group 和 Wiley 推廣得相當認真的閱讀器,界面上也算漂亮。在文章管理上使用看起來像資料夾但實質上是標籤的處理方式。它雖然有跨平台同步功能,但只有付費用戶才能使用。 我一開始對於它的擴展 PDF 1 功能很感興趣,但使用起來其實還好,因為我的領域裡有不少論文本來就會用超連結放引用,但它的閱讀器本身卻不支援 PDF 原來就有的超連結,所以常常發生這篇論文沒辦法擴展,但原來的超連結又不能用,只好複製下來 Google 去也。擴展變成一個偶爾方便一些,但大多時候添麻煩的雞肋存在。 除了不支援超連結,它的 PDF 閱讀器在我的機器上 2 字體的渲染也有問題,比起 Acrobat自家的程式,字硬是模糊了不少,快速瀏覽的時候也常發生往後翻去的那頁空白了兩三秒才出現的狀態。另

ImageJ (1.51f) 在Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra)中會因為權限管理而無法使用Plugin

問題描述: 在將下載後的ImageJ資料夾搬到應用程式資料夾中後,程式可以使用但Plugin功能表下的項目消失。 系統資訊: OS Version: Mac OS 10.12 ImageJ: 1.51f  JAVA Version: 1.6.0_65 according to About ImageJ 1.8.0_111-b14 according to Control Panel Memory Assigned: 2854k of 7000MB (<1 li=""> No error message 原因: Mac OS 10.12為了解決使用者權限管理的漏洞,在執行應用程式時會建立一個隨機路徑的唯讀資料夾並把.app複製過去在其中執行(Gatekeeper Path Randomization)。這個作法會讓某些需要呼叫其他檔案的程式無法正常作用。   在ImageJ上,如果在Image>Show Info功能表(或Command + I)中的「ImageJ Home:」後面的路徑的開頭是"/private",那就可能是Gatekeeper Path Randomization在作怪。   將執行檔從應用程式資料夾中複製到桌面(Option+拖曳)後刪掉原檔再把執行檔複製回去可以修正這個權限問題。 參考資料: Sierra and Gatekeeper Path Randomization Kind and timely support from Wayne Rasband (NIH/NIMH)