
Run Seurat (a R Package) in a notebook interface on a server without root

tl;dr: Dependencies hurts when you try to set up R on server

After a while of playing around, I’ll say the best way to use R with a Notebook-style interface on a server where you are no superuser would be using Anaconda, and then run R inside Anaconda to get whatever package you need. It is designed to run for a normal user, so there’s no need for superuser permission, and dependency issue is also taken care of most of the time.
If you get the permission on server and are comfortable with R Studio, R Studio Server might be a even better option. That is because even if the packages are in Conda R, Conda Forge, or Bioconda, sometimes they are out of date, which might break dependencies, and conda skeleton and conda build unfortunately come with a lot of dependency issue as well. Besides, the visualization of environment and integration of documentation is better in R Studio for me.
What worked for me starts from creating a new environment in Anaconda and install the r-essentials, which should provide a platform ready for jupyter notebook.
conda create --name R
conda install -c r r-essentials
One thing to be noted is that sometimes the packages on Conda are not up-to-date, and that would create some version issue for the R packages, so you might check on different channels to see if there’s something you need with version number in mind. It might be simpler to just use install.packages() in the R environment directly though.
During my package installation, one error message popped out: ImportError: /[Conda path]/env/libgfortran.so.4, and it seemed to be libgfortran not installed on my system. I did conda install libgfortran gfortran libgcc gcc, hoping to get the libraries ready, but it did not fix the error. It turned out I needed to export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[Conda lib path for the virtual environment], or R seemed not to know where to find the libraries installed by Conda. After that, I am finally good to go with Jupyter Notebook running R.
The takehome message for me is that it could be complicated to install required libraries to user directory, and the dependencies for these are often too long to be manually managed. I found out I needed cmake to install something, but when I tried to install cmake from source, it warned a compiler supporting C++11 was not found, and then I tried to get new version of gcc but the configure file of cmake still could not find that copy of gcc… I spent almost 3 days in this maze of dependencies, and though I felt I learned a lot, I was not able to fix things this way.
Anyway, I guess that why we need package management. You could find other unsuccessful attempts below if you are interersted.

Attempt 1: Setting up Rkernal with IPython Notebook in Anaconda

Anaconda keeps an independent copy of R when it is installed with conda install -c r r-essentials. I wanted to install the latest version instead of the conda version of Seurat, so I googled for how to install packages from CRAN in Conda and find this article. According to the thread, I tried to do something like install.packages("Seurat", lib = [conda R path]) from my user copy of R.
There is actually a great reason against this approach — install.packages() decides whether to install dependencies based on the installed ones, so if you run install.packages() from another copy of R, the dependency would be a mess.
I tried to use the Conda copy of R, and do install.packages("Seurat"), and found out…
ERROR: dependencies ‘igraph’, ‘diffusionMap’ are not available for package ‘Seurat’
* removing ‘[My Conda path]/R/library/Seurat’
It turned out igraph was not compiled successfully and seems to be a result of system library dependency issue according to this thread, and I would need libssl-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev, and libssh2-1-dev, and I gave up here because I saw a labyrinth of dependencies here.

Attempt 2: Install Rstudio Server without root

If I could do it, I would be able to use the user copy of R, which I am okay with, and I like R Studio quite a lot. Long story short. Installation is possible, but execution is not. Basically you could follow the official instruction, and finish with make install prefix=[somewhere you can write]. Nonetheless, starting a server unsurprisingly requires you to be root.
One additional hilarious thing here is that we did not have cmake on that server, and when I tried to install a copy, it failed because no C++ compiler supporting C++11 is available (though which g++ showed a nice one.) Until I am done through all these, I noticed that there was already a copy of rstudio-server on the machine I used.

Attempt 3: Make Jupyter Notebook use my user copy of R

I entered R console, and tried devtools::install_github("IRkernel/IRkernel"). Guess what, it failed with an error message of: Installation failed: An unknown option was passed in to libcurl.
Alas. A bit troubleshooting indicated that I might have some version issue for libcurl, but I don’t know which.
Alternatively, I tried to use install.packages("JuniperKernel"), which should serve the same function as IRkernel, but it also has its dependency issue: it requires gdtools, which won’t compile without cairo. cairo requires libpng and pixman. I tried to install from source of libpng and pixman with ./configure && make && make install prefix=$HOME/.local/bin, butpixman kept complaining about unable to find png.h. I was not capable of fixing this and turned to other options, but I am still curious how could I fix this.

Attempt 4: Fine, I’ll just go with the Conda package

Now it seems that my hope to use Seurat on CRAN is not that wise, and my dataset is in fact compatible with Seurat v2.2.0 on bioconda. Perhaps this would be a much more efficient work-around.
Since it is in the bioconda repository, I need to set the channel first.
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
and then conda install -c bioconda r-seurat.
What I got was
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- r-reprex
- r-seurat
Checking dependency with conda info r-seurat showed that it requires ver 3.4.1 of r-base, while r-reprex need >3.4.3. This prevented me from down-versioning r-base.
Instead, I built Seurat from CRAN with conda skeleton cran Seurat. Interestingly, it saved the recipe in [pwd]/r-seurat instead of [pwd]/Seurat. With conda build r-seurat, guess what I got?
Error : object ‘map_dfr’ is not exported by 'namespace:purrr'
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘Seurat’
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/bin/bash', '-e', '[pwd]/anaconda/conda-bld/r-seurat_1525165846607/work/conda_build.sh']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
It turned out Seurat required purrr::map_dfr(), which was introduced in newer version than what is on bioconda. A new version of purrr from Conda-forge fixed this, but then there was compilaton error mentioned earlier in this blog.




Photo credit: Crystal Explosion via photopin (license)   那約莫是intern到一半的時候。記得那天我放尿管就要大功告成,隨手拿起換藥車上的空針想把固定用的水球打起來結束這回合的時候,碰巧路過的護理師一個飛身順手抄起空針: 「且住!你這針筒裡面裝的是……生理食鹽水吧!」   我定睛一看,啊呀,落在換藥車桌面上的空罐子果然是生理食鹽水,顯然是在抽的時候沒有專心。 「多謝女俠提醒,不過……那可以幫我抽一管純水嗎?我得扶著尿管,不太方便。」

ImageJ (1.51f) 在Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra)中會因為權限管理而無法使用Plugin

問題描述: 在將下載後的ImageJ資料夾搬到應用程式資料夾中後,程式可以使用但Plugin功能表下的項目消失。 系統資訊: OS Version: Mac OS 10.12 ImageJ: 1.51f  JAVA Version: 1.6.0_65 according to About ImageJ 1.8.0_111-b14 according to Control Panel Memory Assigned: 2854k of 7000MB ( No error message 原因: Mac OS 10.12為了解決使用者權限管理的漏洞,在執行應用程式時會建立一個隨機路徑的唯讀資料夾並把.app複製過去在其中執行(Gatekeeper Path Randomization)。這個作法會讓某些需要呼叫其他檔案的程式無法正常作用。   在ImageJ上,如果在Image>Show Info功能表(或Command + I)中的「ImageJ Home:」後面的路徑的開頭是"/private",那就可能是Gatekeeper Path Randomization在作怪。   將執行檔從應用程式資料夾中複製到桌面(Option+拖曳)後刪掉原檔再把執行檔複製回去可以修正這個權限問題。 參考資料: Sierra and Gatekeeper Path Randomization Kind and timely support from Wayne Rasband (NIH/NIMH)

使用β-lactam類藥物時是否需要先做Penicillin skin test?:從醫學與法律探討

View image | gettyimages.com 這個問題應該困擾很多人很久,尤其是實習醫生們被雜事追著跑之餘還要記十五分鐘後要看結果,這根本是剛好會忘記的時間長度嘛! 所以說,除了各院的內規之外,從醫學上來看到底什麼時候應該要做Penicillin skin test?而從法律的觀點來看,每天Penicillin skin test真的能讓訴訟遠離我嗎?